We all have Patterns. Patterns of behavior, patterns in thinking and patterns in doing. Our patterns are a sort of blue print to our inner selves that others may find fascinating or somewhat annoying. One thing is for sure, our patterns show up and those closest to us learn to accept our patterns as part of our personality that makes us unique. Sometimes we gloss over our patterns in favor of one particular action or thought. For instance, on a recent trip to one of my favorite gardens, Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland, my focus (pattern) was to photograph the plethora of late Spring blooms. Roses, lupines, daises were at their peak. Each flower displayed their most perfect bloom. Choosing the best single bloom was impossible, for each had a special element that yelled “Pick Me”. And yes each flower deserved the royal crown.
Yet I as meandered along the paths, the leafy pattens of plants without blooms, hostas, and Copyright 2011 Cynthia P. Hunter Photography“elephant ears”, captured my attention as never before. I recognized the beautiful patterns in the leaves of various plants and decided today these patterns beat out the amazing blooms I regularly photograph. Take a look….
Flamingo 2011 Copyright Cynthia P. Hunter Photography
It’s been a while since my last posting and picture taking adventure. I believe I have experienced a spat of Creative Rut? What is Creative Rut? According to my experience, a creative rut is when inspiration and creative thinking come to halt. After the magnificent and glorious display of the Autumn show case, my camera and I parted ways. The holidays set in with the hustle and bustle of festivities and quite time with my camera was a thing of the past. Outdoor brilliant colors dissipated to brown, beige, gray and white. I lost my inspiration.
So in an effort to resurrect myself from this lull, I visited the National Zoo in Washington, DC. Wow what a treat! There are two sets of lion cubs recently born, a male lion and two female lions. One female gave birth in August 2010 while the other delivered in September 2010. The cubs are adorable! Their daily outings are short due to the cold weather. But if you can visit around 12:30 pm, weather permitting, you may get a glimpse at the pride. What a treat to see a entire lion pride in Washington, DC.
Still in need of color, I walked over the the flamingos. They were cackling up a storm. Their brilliant color of red and pink is what I needed to perk up on this particular dreary Monday afternoon. These birds strike me as very difficult to photograph. They are always moving and it is hard to capture a full head shot due to the constant movement of their very flexible neck. Still they are beautiful! Their color seems to be more brilliant in the winter than summer.
Unlike lions, ducks and geese are a dime a dozen in the Washington, DC area, yet, I can’t resist photographing them. I cannot imagine life without the geese and ducks. So I took a few images and added them to my collection called Too Many to Count.
Well, I am now somewhat inspired. Lesson learned: Embrace nature on nature’s terms. There is always a gift waiting for us in this great world of ours. I am always amazed at God’s creation. What a masterful artist! More Zoo pics
Butterfly at Wings of Fancy Exhibit @ 2010 Cynthia P. Hunter Photography
What is the fascination with butterflies? The annual “Wings of Fancy Butterfly” exhibit at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland attract thousands of people every year. Although the temperature in the conservatory is always above 85 degrees. I simply can’t resist visiting them year after year. The don’t provide any new tricks to keep attracting new visitors, yet their following increases.
Butterflies aren’t easily annoyed when interrupted by tiny hands trying to capture them or pointy lenses interrupting their meal time. Butterflies don’t chase with menacing stingers. Butterflies take life delicately and lightly. The are simply content at being a Butterfly. Could the attraction be the light and airy flutter of their wings as they fly from flower to flower? Or their beautiful colors and wing pattens? Maybe it is their ability to provide a sense of well being. Whatever the attraction. They can be counted on to provide a sense of wonder, beauty and freedom.
Seems they recognize their life time is short and their purpose is well focused. More Butterflies.