Tag Archives: Brookside Gardens

What’s Your Pattern?

We all have Patterns. Patterns of behavior, patterns in thinking and patterns in doing. Our patterns are a sort of blue print to our inner selves that others may find fascinating or somewhat annoying. One thing is for sure, our patterns show up and those closest to us learn to accept our patterns as part of our personality that makes us unique. Sometimes we gloss over our patterns in favor of one particular action or thought. For instance, on a recent trip to one of my favorite gardens, Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland, my focus (pattern) was to photograph the plethora of late Spring blooms. Roses, lupines, daises were at their peak. Each flower displayed their most perfect bloom. Choosing the best single bloom was impossible, for each had a special element that yelled “Pick Me”. And yes each flower deserved the royal crown.

Yet I as meandered along the paths, the leafy pattens of plants without blooms, hostas, and

Leaf Patterns
Copyright 2011 Cynthia P. Hunter Photography
“elephant ears”, captured my attention as never before. I recognized the beautiful patterns in the leaves of various plants and decided today these patterns beat out the amazing blooms I regularly photograph. Take a look….

Cherry Blossoms!

Weeping Cherry
Copyright 2011 Cynthia P. Hunter

Spring has finally arrived, although with today’s temperature (44 degrees) and cloudy drizzle, it may as well be February. However, a quick survey of area parks provide an abundance of cherry blossoms waiting for the peak day. On this particularly cloudy day, I had a chance to enjoy Spring’s showcase of cherry blossoms before the peak, day, hour or minute. …Ideally, the peak is predicted for March 28 thru April 2, 2011. However, the cold temps and rainy wet weather may have delayed the actual peak. Not wanting to endure the crowds at the Tidal Basin in Washington, DC, I ventured to Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland. At Brookside Gardens, I was able to enjoy the solitude and take in the beauty of the the season without the crowds. No, I didn’t get the post card shot of the Washington and Jefferson Monuments framed with Cherry Trees, but I came back with the simple beauty of tree trunks and branches dappled in soft pink petals.
Simple Pleasures … Cherry Blossoms Gallery

Autumn Rose

Rose taken at Brookside Gardens, Wheaton Maryland

By this time of year, Summer roses have had their last glorious display, but the unseasonable warm Autumn has delivered a splendid treat to the Washington Metropolitan area.  Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland  had an awesome bounty of beautiful roses last weekend. As I smelled the wonderful rose fragrance, I made a mental note to savor the moment.  Winter is on it’s way…. Enjoy!