What is the fascination with butterflies? The annual “Wings of Fancy Butterfly” exhibit at Brookside Gardens in Wheaton, Maryland attract thousands of people every year. Although the temperature in the conservatory is always above 85 degrees. I simply can’t resist visiting them year after year. The don’t provide any new tricks to keep attracting new visitors, yet their following increases.
Butterflies aren’t easily annoyed when interrupted by tiny hands trying to capture them or pointy lenses interrupting their meal time. Butterflies don’t chase with menacing stingers. Butterflies take life delicately and lightly. The are simply content at being a Butterfly. Could the attraction be the light and airy flutter of their wings as they fly from flower to flower? Or their beautiful colors and wing pattens? Maybe it is their ability to provide a sense of well being. Whatever the attraction. They can be counted on to provide a sense of wonder, beauty and freedom.
Seems they recognize their life time is short and their purpose is well focused. More Butterflies.