Snow in the middle of Autumn….? But wait… It’s too early to snow. It is still October. I couldn’t resist capturing this transitional day when snow attempted to over shadow Autumn’s glory. Autumn foliage and Winter’s frost created a spectacular surreal display. Images taken in Montgomery Village, Maryland. Gallery
Seasonal Gifts
Most flowers had their day of supreme rein during the peak of the season. Now it is time for the Autumn showcase of foliage. However, if you are counting the days until the peak foliage of Autumn, you just might miss your gift of the day. Gifts are the special moments that surprise us with something new and unique. Acknowledge the gifts of the universe and discover “your cup over floweth”. The beautiful formation of lily pads in a simple pond at the Atlanta, GA Botanical Garden captivated me. I was obliged to say “Thank you“.
Lily Pad Gallery
Staying Open

Woke up early this morning to the sound of a new winged visitor singing in the tree in front of my bedroom window. As I peaked out the window to discover the newest song bird, I noticed the fog. Fog! Oh yeah! I love photographing landscapes with fog. It adds a sense of mystery. I thought, get up and grab my camera before the sunrise burn off. But first, I had to locate my winged song bird. As I lifted the window shades, the bird stopped singing. I waited a couple of minutes for the next rendition of the bird’s song and surely it was delivered, but without revealing itself. I took out my iPhone to record the song, suddenly the bird stopped singing again….
With Plan Two in mind, I quickly dressed, grabbed my camera bag and took off in search of clickable scenes in the fog. The fog was not very thick and did not render the scene as I had hoped.
Since it was early morning, I decided to check out a nearby lake, hoping the lake had dense fog. Nope! Plan Three was Not Happening…
Settled into acceptance of not achieving my photographic endeavors, I began to randomly photograph anything that caught my attention. I discovered lots of spider webs and a very long legged spider. Spider webs everywhere. I took a few images of the spider webs among other random subjects.
I’m not a real fan of spider webs. I always seem to walk into them. This particular morning, there were rain droplets on spider webs causing the intricate patterns to glisten.
When I returned home, I discovered the only images worth keeping from my morning photo shoot were the images of the spider webs. Lesson learned, stay open, enjoy the music and embrace the mystery of life. Spider Webs.
Summer Impressions

Yesterday evening the weather cooled with a threatening storm. As I sat on my front porch, I realized how faithfully the Blackeyed Susan flowers blossom every year. Weather has never been a deterrent. Neither too much rain or drought has ever stopped them from blooming. The yellow petals beckon every visitor to come closer.
As a pending storm rushed in the wind, I captured the movement of the flowers. Interesting patterns and shapes took affect and I was pleasantly surprised with the results. The painterly, abstract effect is what I like most. See Gallery
In Black and White
This Summer’s floral bounty provided ample opportunity to capture the brilliant colors in water lillies, poenies, lotus blossoms and roses. While thinking of new ways to capture the perennials of Summer, I decided to focus on structure, form and texture by removing the color. Inner beauty was my goal. Humans are constantly bombarded with a standard of beauty that reflects the newest, youngest, brightest and most dazzling. Inner beauty often requires observations that extend beyond initial attraction. Eliminating color in an image allowed me to focus on the subject’s form, texture and design. The intrinsic quality not immediately observed when viewed in color, suddenly awakened my attraction to a different level. Although a water lily is quite amazing in its own right, the black and white version provided a stronger perspective of its essence.
See new images in Black and White